Радіаторні терморегулятори Danfoss

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Опалювальний період 2022–2023 може стати найважчим за часів незалежності України. Про це постійно наголошують експерти. Фахівці вживають необхідних заходів на місцях, аби підготувати теплові мережі та теплопункти до роботи за екстремальних умов. Завдання споживачів – допомагати спеціалістам, раціонально використовуючи та зберігаючи тепло й електроенергію.

Економія енергоресурсів у житлово-комунальній сфері безпосередньо пов’язана з регулюванням споживання тепла, здійснити яке можна, встановивши радіаторний терморегулятор. Цей пристрій допоможе забезпечити комфорт в оселях, підтримуючи необхідну температуру окремо в кожній кімнаті та зменшуючи споживання теплової енергії.

Раніше для регулювання опалення використовували конусні крани, які встановлювали перед тепловим введенням на кожний опалювальний пристрій (радіатор). Проте споживачі зрідка використовували їх за призначенням, тому що тарифи на опалення були менші. Згодом подібні крани ставали непридатними (закипали), і ними неможливо було користуватися. Наразі з терморегуляторами Danfoss можна зекономити до 20 % енергії, як порівняти з клапанами з ручним керуванням.

За умов сьогодення економія теплової енергії є не тільки актуальною, але й головним фактором виживання. Терморегулятори Danfoss, розроблені для використання за побутових умов, забезпечать ефективне регулювання теплоспоживання, гарантують підвищений комфорт та економію енергії.

В асортименті ERC доступний широкий вибір радіаторних терморегуляторів Danfoss.

Докладно про принцип роботи терморегулятора, переваги та інші корисні поради читайте на сайті за посиланням.

Products from publication
SKU: 014G2420
3799 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Ally 014G2420 is a radiator thermostat for domestic use. The Danfoss Ally thermostat is battery powered and is a compact and easy to operate device with a manual control wheel and one button. The Danfoss Ally 014G2420 Radiator Thermostat is Zigbee certified and compatible with the Danfoss Ally Gateway and certified third party Zigbee systems. The Danfoss Ally Radiator Thermostat is easy to install, in just 30 seconds! Adapters are available for all Danfoss thermostatic valve models and most other radiator valve manufacturers.
SKU: 013G5275
1255 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators with a bottom connection. Installs on any radiator.
SKU: 013G2219
1255 UAH*
in stock
The kit is used for installation on radiators connected to a two-pipe heating system. Suitable for side connection. The control and shut-off valve is equipped with an additional rubber seal.
SKU: 013G5174
1488 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on heating radiators for a two-pipe heating system. Installs on any radiator.
SKU: 013G5143
769 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators with a bottom connection. Mounted on any radiator, the adjustment range of the kit is from 8 to 28 °C.
SKU: 013G5142
769 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators with a bottom connection. Mounted on any radiator, the adjustment range of the kit is from 8 to 28 °C.
SKU: 014G1001
2705 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Eco is a stand-alone radiator thermostat for residential use. Danfoss Eco is battery powered, compact and easy to operate with a manual hand wheel and single button. Danfoss Eco™ is programmed with a smartphone App using Bluetooth connectivity.
SKU: 013G2229
1200 UAH*
in stock
Type:thermostatic set; View:mechanical; Purpose:"Heating" system;
SKU: 013G5276
1255 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators with a bottom connection. Installs on any radiator.
SKU: 013G2991
out of stock
Danfoss RA 2991 - designed to control the temperature in the room and save the heating system, the element works automatically and does not require user attention. This type is used for radiators of various modifications and thermostatic valves such as RA-KE, RA-KEW, RA-G, RA-N, RA-KW, for steel radiators with a bottom connection, this is a valve insert RA.
SKU: 013G6080
1054 UAH*
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Thermostatic elements of the RAX-K series are installed on thermostatic valves with M30 x 1.5 thread. To ensure the correct functioning of the temperature controller, the RAX-K thermostatic elements must always be positioned horizontally so that air can circulate freely around the sensor. The thermostatic element is equipped with a union nut that ensures a secure connection to the valve body. Mounting is done with a standard 32mm open end wrench.
SKU: 013G2920
out of stock
Thermal head Danfoss RA 2920 - is designed to control the temperature in the room and save the heating system, the element works automatically and does not require the user's attention.
SKU: 013G6170
1651 UAH*
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The Danfoss RAX is used to control the temperature of a process medium, usually a liquid. RAX thermostatic elements are widely used in heating systems, heat and water supply systems, and others. The device has a built-in liquid temperature sensor that allows you to monitor all temperature changes.
SKU: 013G5035
739 UAH*
out of stock
The Danfoss thermal head is designed for automatic control of radiator temperature. It operates autonomously without connection to an auxiliary power source.
SKU: 013G2228
out of stock
Sets consisting of RAS-C thermostatic element and RA-FN and RLV-S straight or angle valves are used for piping side-connected radiators in small two-pipe hot water heating systems (cottages, apartments, small commercial buildings, etc.), where there is no need for fine balancing.
SKU: 013G5080
2339 UAH*
out of stock
The FTC thermostatic element is used to control the temperature of the heating medium in floor or radiator heating systems. The FTC thermostatic element in combination with a RA-N or RA-C two-way valve is a direct acting temperature regulator.
SKU: 013G5030
out of stock
The Danfoss RAW-K 5030 thermal head is a device for energy-saving temperature control of heating systems in automatic mode without direct user intervention. They are used for retrofitting radiator thermostatic valves Oventrop, Heimeier, Valtec, etc., as well as radiator valve inserts with a connection thread M 30 x 1.5 when installing two or one-pipe heating systems using radiators of various types.
SKU: 013G5032
1144 UAH*
out of stock
The Danfoss RAW-K 5032 thermal head with a remote sensor is a device for energy-saving temperature control of heating systems in automatic mode without direct user intervention. They are used for retrofitting radiator thermostatic valves Oventrop, Heimeier, Valtec, etc., as well as radiator valve inserts with connection thread M 30 x 1.5 when installing two- or one-pipe heating systems using radiators of various types.
SKU: 013G6075
1448 UAH*
out of stock
The Danfoss RAX is used to control the temperature of a process medium, usually a liquid. RAX thermostatic elements are widely used in heating systems, heat and water supply systems, and others. The device has a built-in liquid temperature sensor that allows you to monitor all temperature changes.
SKU: 013G2992
out of stock
The Danfoss RA 2992 thermal head with a remote sensor is a device for energy-saving temperature control of heating systems in automatic mode without direct user intervention. They are used to complete Danfoss RA-N, RA-G, RA-K, RA-KW, RA-KE, RA-KEW radiator thermostatic valves and RA radiator valve inserts when installing two- or one-pipe heating systems using radiators of various types.
SKU: 013G2945
out of stock
Danfoss RA 2945 is used to complete radiator thermostatic valves and radiator valve inserts with M30x1.5 connection thread (Danfoss RTD) when installing two or one-pipe heating systems using radiators of various types.
SKU: 013G5081
2160 UAH*
out of stock
The FTC thermostatic element is used to control the temperature of the heating medium in hydronic radiant floor heating systems.
SKU: 013G5173
out of stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators to create a two-pipe heating system. It can be installed on any radiator and the setting range of the kit is from 30 to 70 °C.
SKU: 013G5277
out of stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators connected to a two-pipe heating system. Mounted on radiators with integral Danfoss valve inserts.
SKU: 013G5278
out of stock
The Danfoss radiator kit is used for installation on radiators connected to a two-pipe heating system. Mounted on radiators with integral Danfoss valve inserts.
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